The AWH Community Engagement Committee (CEC) is a legislated and strategic advisory committee to the AWH Board of Directors.
The Committee provides advice and guidance to the AWH Board regarding engagement with consumers, carers and community members. It brings the voices of the community and consumers into the decision-making processes of AWH to ensure we develop services that are responsive to the needs of our diverse community. Members provide information and advice on needs, demands and service developments from a community perspective.
Its key purpose is to increase consumer, carer and community participation in the delivery of health services provided by AWH, and help to
- advocate to the AWH Board on behalf of the community, consumers and carers; and
- provide direction and leadership in the integration of consumer, carer and community views at all levels of AWH’s health service operations, planning and policy development.
The Committee comprises 8-12 members appointed by the AWH Board. Members include community representatives and AWH Board Directors, supported by members of the AWH senior management team. Community members are appointed as individuals, and do not represent any external organisation. Members are chosen for their ability to provide a consumer, care and/or community perspective and for their demonstrated interest and passion to improve health service delivery.
Members are also representatives on various AWH Working Groups and Committees including the Board sub-committees for quality and primary care and population health; the person-centred care committee and patient information project.
Current members: 
- Meredith McIntyre
- Protais Hakizimana
- Jo-Anne Wade
- Victoria Bryant
- Tracey Fraser
- Dr Melanie Massaro
- Bradley Robertson
CEC has provided input into the AWH:
Strategic Plan |
Quality of Care Report |
Disabled parking review |
Wayfinding and signage project |
Cultural Diversity Plan |
Disability Action Plan |
Get involved!
AWH is looking for community members who can positively and actively contribute to its Community Advisory Committee. Members must be able to demonstrate that they can engage, and liaise with a broad range of consumers and be able to represent community needs, interests and aspirations for a safe, reliable, responsive health service.
If you believe you can contribute a consumer, care or community perspective to the Committee, and have demonstrated interest and passion to improve health service delivery please contact the Board Secretariat for more information.
Consumer participation is important at AWH
- Consumer participation is a democratic right
- Health professionals sometimes do not see things from a consumer perspective
- Consumer participation is one way to improve services to ensure they are inclusive of all groups
- Consumer participation can help improve health outcomes
- Consumer participation can assist AWH to develop new models of care
- Consumers can contribute to improvements in quality and safety