AWH is part of the Victorian public health care system and offers hospital care to any Australian resident under Medicare arrangements. Regardless of financial status, all patients receive the same quality of treatment and range of services. 

In addition to providing care to public patients, AWH also provides care under the following financial classifications: 

Public Patients

Public patients admitted to Albury Wodonga Health will not need to pay for any services while admitted to the hospital. As a public patient you will be treated by a team of doctors nominated by the Hospital.

You may elect to be admitted as a private patient at Albury Wodonga Health. Electing to be admitted as a private patient at either Albury or Wodonga Campus assists AWH with much needed funding, enabling us to continue to offer the highest quality care in a safe and caring environment to the benefit of all our patients and local community. Costs associated you’re your treatment will be billed to your Private Health Insurance, subject to the terms of your health insurance policy.

Albury Wodonga Health operates under a “No Gap Policy” for most medical and surgical admissions. Under this Policy, Albury Wodonga Health will waive any excess applicable to your stay at Albury Wodonga Health, and have arrangements in place with various medical providers to ensure you receive no “out of pocket costs”. This does not extend to Obstetrics Admissions, for which you will be required to pay any excess or gap applicable under your health insurance policy.

When you tell us that you have private health insurance, one of our friendly and helpful Patient Liaison Officers will meet with you to ensure that you are fully covered for your admission, answer any questions and ensure all relevant documentation related to your stay is complete.

See also Benefits of Using your Private Health Insurance Brochure

If your attendance or admission to Albury Wodonga Health is related to a transport accident injury, you will need to provide a valid claim number at time of admission. If your attendance is a result of a new accident, you will need to lodge a claim with either the TAC or NSW MAA. Our Patient Liaison Officers can provide information and assist you to lodge a claim. Provided you have an accepted claim, Albury Wodonga Health will be paid by the relevant State Authority for your episode of care.

If an accident or serious incident has occurred whilst you are at work both employers and injured workers are required to follow steps to ensure that they meet their obligations in the claims process.

If you have suffered a workplace injury, you must report it to your employer as soon as possible. If your attendance or admission to Albury Wodonga Health is related to a workplace accident or injury, you need to ensure that a claim has been made through the relevant state WorkCover Authority by your employer. If you have not notified your employer within 30 days of becoming aware of the injury, you may not be entitled to compensation.

You need to provide Albury Wodonga Health with correct employer details in order for all associated WorkCover invoices to be forwarded to them for payment. Our Patient Liaison Team will liaise with your employer on your behalf to settle all associated accounts; however we may need your assistance in following up any unsettled invoices.

If you are a resident from a country that has a Health Care Agreement with Australia (known as a Reciprocal Health Care Agreement) you may be entitled to medically necessary treatment for ill health or injury that occurs whilst you are visiting Australia which requires treatment before you return home.   You will not need to pay for hospital services.

If you have any questions as to whether you may qualify as a patient from countries with reciprocal rights it is recommended that you speak to an Albury Wodonga Health Patient Liaison Officer who can verify any entitlements.

Asylum seekers and refugees will be treated as public patients and do not need to pay for hospital services. You will be required to provide evidence of your status as an asylum seeker or refugee such as documentation confirming your status from the Department of Immigation and Citizenship or a recognised asylum support agency.

If the appropriate evidence is not provided you will be treated as a Medicare Ineligible Patient and you will be expected to pay for all associated medical costs.

Patients without a Medicare card (called Medicare Ineligible Patients), other than those covered by one of the categories above, are required to pay for all costs associated with their health care. Please refer to Medicare Ineligible Patient Fees and Charges for further information.

If you are not eligible for Medicare and you are not a resident of a country that has a Health Care Agreement with Australia, you will be required to pay for all hospital services. Charges may vary depending on the treatment provided and are based on fees set in accordance with the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services.

Uninsured Medicare Ineligible Patients will be required to pay an initial deposit of $1000 prior to/or at the time of admission. Upon discharge, all fees and charges will be calculated and invoiced. You will be responsible for full payment of the remaining balance within 14 days of discharge.  

Overseas patients holding an appropriate level of Health Cover with an Australian Health Fund are required to pay the applicable Excess attached to their policy, in lieu of the $1000 deposit. Hospital Accommodation Fees will then be submitted to the Health Fund directly. In the event of non- payment or short payment, any balance of the account will become the responsibility of the patient.

Overseas patients holding travel insurance via any 3rd party insurer are required to pay for all costs up front and claim a reimbursement personally from their insurer.

One of our friendly Patient Liaison Officers can assist with any questions in relation to fees, charges & payments.

Whilst every effort is made to provide an accurate estimate of expenses, final costs are not known until post discharge, and can vary depending upon a number of factors including length of stay, variations to treatment, any procedures, prosthesis or sundry charges.

We accept major credit cards, cheque, cash, EFTPOS or direct bank deposit.

As a guide only, the following fees may apply:

Outpatient fees:­       

                                                               Wodonga Campus            Albury Campus   

Emergency Department Presentation            $800/visit                              $800/visit

Outpatient Clinic consultation fee                  $800/visit                              $800/visit

Allied Health Clinic consultation fee               $133/visit                              $133/visit

Pharmacy                                                       Non PBS Price                     Non PBS Price


Inpatient Fees:         

                                                            Wodonga Campus               Albury Campus

Acute Same Day Stay                          Full cost recovery*                 $1,383 + $363/day

Acute Overnight                                   Full cost recovery*                 $2,135 + $363/night

Intensive Care                                      Full cost recovery*                 $5,999/day

Coronary Care                                     Full cost recovery*                 $5,999/day

HITH                                                    Full cost recovery*                 $267 per day


Maternity Packages                           $9,500 (Vaginal delivery)       N/A

$14,500 (Caesarean)             N/A

(Appointment with Patient Liaison Officer Required)


Baby in Special Care Nursery           Full cost recovery method     N/A

Prosthesis                                         Charges based on Commonwealth Scheduled Rate

Pharmacy                                          Charges based on Non PBS Price

Anaesthetics                                      Charges based on CMBS

Medical Imaging                                Charges based on CMBS


* Patients who do not have a Medicare Card or who are not eligible for Medicare benefits are advised to organise a cost estimate and arrange payment with an Albury Wodonga Health Patient Liaison Officer before receiving care and services where possible In emergency situations, providing an accurate estimate of fees & charges is not always possible. The above fees & charges are provided as a basic guide.

You will need to sign a copy of an estimate of financial expenses to acknowledge that you have received and understand the estimate and that you agree to pay for any unforeseen fees and charges related to your treatment.