Your Admission

Elective Surgery

Elective surgery is performed at both Albury and Wodonga hospitals. You may be admitted to either hospital. At times of heavy demand there may be a need to reschedule your elective surgery.

Emergency Admission

In emergency cases, the hospital you have presented at will decide on the most appropriate Albury Wodonga Health facility to meet your needs. Where possible, hospital staff will try to accommodate the personal needs of you and your family. All patients suffering major trauma will be transferred to Albury Hospital.

Public / Private / DVA / Compensable or Medicare ineligible admission 

We are committed to providing the highest level of care to all patients. If you are admitted as a public patient all hospital and medical costs will be covered by Medicare. Medicare eligible patients may elect to be treated as either a private or a public patient during an inpatient admission with us.

A Medicare ineligible patient is not eligible for Medicare benefits or free hospital treatment. As a Medicare ineligible visitor to Australia, you are responsible for the cost of hospital treatment and any related patient transport. Where possible you will be provided with an estimate of the cost by a Patient Liaison Officer.

If you are admitted as an eligible DVA or Compensable patient your costs will be covered by DVA or the relevant insurer.

If you are admitted as a private patient your health insurance will cover various costs associated with your stay and we will arrange to claim for these on your behalf.

Private patients will be treated by a Specialist/VMO (once classified as a private patient and accepted by your Specialist/VMO) who will provide your care and arrange a follow up consultation post discharge from hospital if required. In addition, you will receive television rental, telephone usage (local calls only) and a daily newspaper free of charge.

While your private health insurance may state that you are eligible for a private room this is not always possible for the following reasons:

  • Maintaining same gender rooms
  • Accommodating infectious and / or special needs

Please check your levels of cover with the private health insurance provider prior to admission to ensure you are aware of what costs you are not covered for during your stay. Please speak to our Patient Liaison Officers if you would like us to help you determine your level of cover. 


During your stay please do not bring valuable items such as jewellery or large amounts of money with you. If you are coming in for surgery you will need to remove all jewellery prior to your procedure. If you are unable to remove your wedding band it will be taped to your finger. If you do keep valuables with you, it is at your own risk; we are unable to accept responsibility for lost or stolen items. If your belongings do go missing, please report this to the nurse in charge of your care as soon as possible.

If you are admitted via the Emergency Department, we ask that you arrange for your valuables to be taken home. If this is not possible, please hand in any valuables to the nurse in charge of your care who will store these items in the hospital safe. 

What to bring with you for overnight stays

A locker is provided for personal use during your stay with us. Please bring the following items with you a small amount of cash should you like to purchase newspapers, television rental or other incidentals from the hospital cafe and:

  • Pyjamas or night dress
  • Dressing gown and slippers
  • Toiletries (soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, brush, tissues etc.)
  • Change of day clothes and shoes
  • Medicare card / DVA card / Health Care Card / Private healthcare card
  • Any medication you are taking, including complementary / alternative medications (please give this to your nurse on admission)

Keeping in touch with family and friends

Your family and friends will want to know how you are during your stay with us. Please arrange for one family member (on behalf of all family and friends) to be registered as the contactable Next of Kin (NOK). They may contact the Wodonga Hospital on (02) 6051 7111 or Albury Hospital on (02) 6058 4744, they will then be advised of the ward in which you are staying and your direct telephone line. Alternatively, you may like to obtain your direct telephone line from the ward staff when you arrive and advise family and friends accordingly.

Download a coopy of our patient packs:

Adult inpatient pack 

Maternity patient pack 

Mental Health patient pack

Our Staff who will care for you

Our philosophy is to pursue excellent patient care, to respond to your needs and to continually update and improve the quality of our service. 

Medical staff

Your medical care is provided by a comprehensive team of doctors working across a wide range of speciality services. The name of the service and doctor primarily responsible for your care can be obtained from the nurse in charge of your care.

Nursing staff

Nursing staff provide and coordinate 24 hour care during your stay with us. The Nurse Unit Manager has overall responsibility and is available to answer your questions. Please ask the nurse in charge of your care if you would like to speak with the Nurse Unit Manager

Allied Health / Community Rehabilitation Centre

AWH provides allied health services to support your recovery including dietitians, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, speech therapists, social workers and diabetes educators.

Hospital and Nutrition

When you are in hospital it is extremely important to maintain a healthy diet. We aim to provide you with nutritious and enjoyable meals to help with your recovery. A poor diet can affect your:

  • Thinking
  • Wound healing
  • Energy levels

What time to expect your meal

  • Breakfast: 7.30 am Snack: 10.30 am
  • Lunch: 12 mid day Snack: 2.30 pm
  • Dinner: 5 pm Supper: 7 pm


Your incoming mail will be delivered to your ward each weekday. Any mail received once you have left the hospital will be forwarded to your home. Outgoing mail may be left with the nurse in charge of your care or main reception for posting.