Our Palliative Care team helps people live their life as well as possible for as long as possible when living with a life-limiting or terminal illness. 

The Palliative Care Program at Albury Wodonga Health consists of four different services:

Wodonga Community Palliative Care
Specialist Multidisciplinary Palliative Care Support for patients and caregivers living within the Shires of Wodonga, Indigo and Towong. 

Wodonga Hospital Inpatient Palliative Care
Two dedicated specialist palliative care beds at Wodonga Hospital for patients requiring admission to assess and manage their palliative care issues.

East Hume Regional Palliative Care Consultancy
Specialist palliative care support for hospital and community clinicians caring for patients and caregivers in the East Hume region (AWH, North East Health Wangaratta, Benalla Health and Border Cancer Centre).

Albury Specialist Medical Clinic – Palliative Care 
Outpatient clinic for clients with complex palliative care issues.

AWH Palliative Care works together with many other health care providers including GPs, Medical Specialists, Ambulance Victoria and our local District Nursing Services to provide care and support to people with life limiting, chronic and oncological illnesses.   We support the physical, emotional, spiritual and social needs of people living with a life-limiting illness, their families and their care team, through the provision of specialist care.  AWH Palliative Care includes a Palliative Care Manager, Consultant, Registrars, Nurse Practitioners, Specialist Nurses, Occupational Therapy, Social Work and Volunteer Coordination.  Our services include:

  • Specialist palliative care assessments
  • Consultation and advice
  • Care coordination
  • Symptom support, advice and management including medical and psychosocial needs
  • Practical support for everyday activities
  • Short term equipment loans
  • Access to allied health including Occupational Therapy and Social Work
  • Individual and family emotional support
  • Bereavement care

We work closely with St Vincent’s Hospital and Caritas Christi Hospice in Melbourne, who provide after-hours telephone advice to clinicians, patients and their caregivers.

AWH Palliative Care is a part of the Hume Regional Palliative Care Consortium, which provides leadership and direction for Palliative Care in the region guided by the Department of Health's Victoria’s end of life and palliative care framework.

Find out more about Palliative Care

Watch AWH Palliative Care Nurse Steve Pitman talk about the service and how Palliative Care can support patients - not just with their medical needs, but also their emotional, physical and spiritual needs too.

13YARN - First Nations Crisis Support

Telephone 139  276 support 24/7

External Website - www.13yarn.org.au

Carer Help

External Website - www.carerhelp.com.au

Carer Support- Carer Gateway

Telephone1800 422 737

External Website - www.carergateway.gov.au

Grief and Bereavement Support - Grief Australia

Telephone 1800 642 066 Information, resources & counselling

External Website - www.grief.org.au


Telephone support Mon- Friday 8am-8pm 1300 845 745 

External Website -  www.griefline.org.au

Life Line

Telephone 13 11 14 crisis support 24/7

External Website - www.lifeline.org.au